Policy of scientific edition
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”

Research areas: legal sciences.

Scope of research: topical issues of substantive and procedural law.

Purpose: to meet the needs of the society in legal knowledge in a new highly qualitative manner.

Objective: to highlight and inform the society on outcomes of relevant studies by scientists, researchers, and educators from higher educational establishments and scientific institutions, representatives of state authorities, prosecution service of Ukraine, other agencies, and young scientists.

Principle of review: double-blind peer review, meaning that the author's name is not made public to the reviewer, and the reviewer's name is also not revealed to the author. (reviewing process).

Procedure of review is performed to assess the study objectively, to estimate its scientific value, and to make one of the following decisions:

  • the scientific article can be recommended for publishing in «Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine»;
  • the scientific article can be recommended for publishing in «Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine» after the author revises the article according to the reviewer’s recommendations on improvements and revision, and further review;
  • the scientific article cannot be recommended for publishing in «Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine».